Salem Possessed


  1. ^ "Site Was Not Reached".
  2. ^ Demos, John. "What Goes Around Comes Around." William and Mary Quarterly, Volume LXV, Number 3, July 2008, p. 479.
  3. ^ "University of Massachusetts Amherst - Department of History". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-09-21.
  4. ^ "Former Fellows Charles Warren Center". Archived from the original on 2014-08-07. Retrieved 2014-09-29.
  5. ^ "44517624" (PDF). April 18, 1979.
  6. ^ "ACLS".
  7. ^ "News & Stories - Daily Conversations".
  8. ^ "University of Massachusetts Amherst - Department of History". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-09-21.
  9. ^ "Past Faculty - Special Collections Research Center Wiki". Archived from the original on 2014-10-27. Retrieved 2014-09-29.
  10. ^ "Recent scholarly products based on research at the American antiquarian society" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-04-18. Retrieved 2014-09-21.
  11. ^ "Christmas in Early New England, 1620-1820: Puritanism, Popular Culture, and the Printed Word" (PDF).
  12. ^ "Mar99" (PDF).
  13. ^ "W. E. B. Du Bois Lectures Summer Semester 1999 — Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik". Archived from the original on 2013-12-20. Retrieved 2014-09-21.
  14. ^ "not located".
  15. ^ "Center for Academic Success".
  16. ^ "Salem Possessed in Retrospect." Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Jul. 2008), pp. 503-534
  17. ^ Review of Salem-Village Witchcraft, Chadwick Hansen, The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Jul, 1973), pp. 528-529.
  18. ^ Review of Salem Possessed, T.H. Breen, William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Jan, 1975), pp. 137-139
  19. ^ Review of Salem Possessed, Carol Karlsen, Signs, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Spring, 1978), pp. 703-704.
  20. ^ Karlsen, Carol. "Salem Revisited," The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vl. 65, No. 3 (Jul. 2008), pp. 489-494.
  21. ^ "Salem Possessed in Retrospect." Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Jul. 2008), pp. 503-534
  22. ^ Salem Possessed in Retrospect." Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Jul. 2008), p. 524
  23. ^ Review of The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Richard P. Gildrie, The Journal of American History, Vol. 65, No. 4 (Mar, 1979), pp. 1093-1094.
  24. ^ Review of The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Paula A. Treckel, The New England Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 4 (Dec. 1978), pp. 603-605.
  25. ^ Review of The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Alan MacFarlane, The English Historical Review, Vol. 94, No. 373 (Oct. 1979), pp. 927-928.
  26. ^ "John H. Dunning Prize Recipients | AHA".

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