The Adventures of Augie March


  1. ^ "Books Published Today". The New York Times: 21. September 18, 1953.
  2. ^ [NBF]. "National Book Awards – 1954". National Book Foundation. Retrieved 2012-03-30. (With essay by Nathaniel Rich from the Awards 60-year anniversary blog.)
  3. ^ a b Lacayo, Richard. "The Adventures of Augie March". All-TIME 100 Novels. Retrieved 2007-05-14.
  4. ^ a b Modern Library. "100 Best Novels". Random House. Retrieved 2007-05-14.
  5. ^ Kriegel, Leonard. "Wrestling with Augie March". The Nation 276.24 (June 23, 2003): 27–32.
  6. ^ a b Dutton, Robert R. "The Adventures of Augie March". Saul Bellow. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1982. 42–74.
  7. ^ Kelly, James. "About the List: TIME's List of the 100 Best Novels". All-TIME 100 Novels. TIME. October 16, 2005. Retrieved 2012-03-30.
  8. ^ Chametzsky, Jules. Our Decentralized Literature: Cultural Mediations in Selected Jewish and Southern Writers. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press (1986), p. 82.
  9. ^ DiGiacomo, Frank (April 12, 2013). "INTERVIEW: 'Antiviral' Director Brandon Cronenberg Discusses Fame & Father".

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