If Beale Street Could Talk


  1. ^ a b Brown, Stacia L. (April 9, 2015). "What James Baldwin's Writing Tells Us About Today". Gawker. Retrieved 2017-07-16.
  2. ^ a b Oates, Joyce Carol (May 19, 1974). "If Beale Street Could Talk". www.nytimes.com. Retrieved 2017-07-16.
  3. ^ Brody, Richard (December 14, 2018). "'The Front Row: The Politics of Memory in Barry Jenkins's "If Beale Street Could Talk"'". The New Yorker. Retrieved May 25, 2019.
  4. ^ Woubshet, Dagmawi (January 9, 2019). "How James Baldwin's Writings About Love Evolved: The author is best known for arguing that emotional connection could help heal America's racial divides. But his 1974 novel If Beale Street Could Talk focused instead on the bonds that held black people together". The Atlantic. Retrieved May 25, 2019.
  5. ^ Broyard, Anatole (May 17, 1974). "No Color Line in Cliches". The New York Times. Retrieved 2019-11-15.
  6. ^ Hebert, Hugh (2016-06-18). "James Baldwin's much anticipated new novel – archive". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2017-07-16.

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