- La casa de los espíritus (Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 1982) First edition. ISBN 84-01-38011-1
- The House of The Spirits (Westminster, Maryland: Knopf, 12 April 1985) First English language edition. Translated by Magda Bogin. ISBN 0-394-53907-9
- The House of The Spirits (London: Jonathan Cape, 4 July 1985) First UK edition. Translated by Magda Bogin. ISBN 0-224-02231-8
- The House of The Spirits (New York: Bantam, 1986) First US paperback edition. Translated by Magda Bogin. ISBN 0-553-27391-4
- The House of The Spirits (London: Black Swan, 1986) First UK paperback edition. Translated by Magda Bogin. ISBN 0-552-99198-8
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