

  • Speak (band), a synthpop band from Austin, Texas
  • "Speak" (Bachelor Girl song), a 2018 single by Australian pop band Bachelor Girl
  • "Speak" (Godsmack song), a 2006 song by the band Godsmack
  • Speak (Jimmy Needham album), 2006
  • Speak (Lindsay Lohan album), the debut album by the actress Lindsay Lohan
  • Speak (Londonbeat album), the debut album by the British-American dance band Londonbeat, 1988
  • "Speak" (Nickel Creek song), a single by progressive bluegrass band Nickel Creek
  • Speak (I and Thou album), 2012
  • Speak (No-Man album), a compilation album by No-Man
  • Speak (The Roches album), 1989
  • Speak (Warren Dean Flandez album), 2018
  • Speak!, a weekday sports talk show formerly called Speak for Yourself
  • Speak!!!, an American rapper and songwriter
  • "Speak", a song by Sevendust from Sevendust

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