Everyman: Morality Play



  • Everyman (15th-century play), a 15th-century English medieval play
    • Everyman (1901 play), a 1902 Broadway production based on the 15th-century medieval morality play
    • Everybody (play), a 2017 adaptation by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
    • Everyman (1964 film), an Australian television adaptation
  • Elckerlijc, a 1495 Dutch morality play attributed to Peter van Diest, a possible model for the English play
    • Elckerlyc (film), a 1975 loose adaptation of the play
  • Jedermann (play), a 1911 adaptation by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
    • Everyman (Sibelius), a 1916 incidental music by Jean Sibelius to the Hofmannsthal play
    • The Play of Everyman (1917), a George Sterling’s adaptation of Hofmannsthal’s version
    • Sechs Monologe aus Jedermann (Six monologues from Jedermann, 1943–44)), songs by Frank Martin
    • Jedermann (film), a 1961 film based on the Hofmannsthal play

Books and magazines

  • Everyman (novel), a 2006 novel by Philip Roth
  • Everyman's Library, a series of reprinted classic literature
  • Everyman (magazine), an English magazine published from 1929 to 1935

Comic books

  • Everyman (DC Comics), a shapeshifting member of Lex Luthor's Infinity Inc
  • Everyman (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics super villain (Larry Eckler)
  • Everyman (The Simpsons), a character created by Comic Book Guy

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