In a Grove


In a Grove (藪の中, Yabu no naka), also translated as In a Bamboo Grove, is a Japanese short story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa first published in 1922.[1][2] It was ranked as one of the "10 best Asian novels of all time" by The Telegraph in 2014.[3] In a Grove has been adapted several times, most notably by Akira Kurosawa for his award-winning 1950 film Rashōmon.

The story centers on the violent death of young samurai Kanazawa no Takehiro, whose body has been found in a bamboo forest near Kyoto. The preceding events unfurl in a series of testimonies, first by passers-by, an auxiliary policeman and a relative, then by the three main protagonists – the samurai, his wife Masago, and bandit Tajōmaru – but the truth remains hidden due to the contradictory recounts given.

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