A white tiger is a tiger with a genetic condition affecting its pelt's pigmentation.
White tiger, White Tiger or The White Tiger may also refer to:
A white tiger is a tiger with a genetic condition affecting its pelt's pigmentation.
White tiger, White Tiger or The White Tiger may also refer to:
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The Question and Answer section for The White Tiger is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
The protagonist's letters are addressed to Chinese premier Wen Jiabao from Balram Halwai. Balram is referring to how a man's life is "written" on his body.
Throughout Balram's narrative, Adiga constantly exposes the prevalence of corruption and deception throughout all of India's institutions. Schools, hospitals, police, elections, industries and every aspect of government are thoroughly corrupt,...
From the text:
There was also a small fluffy ogre with a red tongue sticking out of its mouth hung by a chain from the rearview mirror. It was supposed to be a lucky charm, and the Stork liked to see it bob up and down as we drove.