Everyman is a stock character in drama, originally appearing in mediaeval morality plays.
Everyman may also refer to:
Everyman is a stock character in drama, originally appearing in mediaeval morality plays.
Everyman may also refer to:
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The Question and Answer section for Everyman: Morality Play is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
Everyman uses allegory as a means of teaching moral lessons. Everyman's journey, his life and death, allegorically represents Christian's journey. Everyman represents humanity as a whole,
They all forsake him on his final journey.
Everyman, as Good Deeds accompanies him to the grave, seems to speak directly to the audience – now, in the words of G.A. Lester “as firm in understanding as he was formerly in ignorance”:
Take example, all ye that this do hear or see How they...