Notes of a Native Son

Notes of a Native Son Glossary

en avant (French phrase)


vindictive (adjective)

Desiring revenge

exasperated (adj.)

Frustrated and irritated; at wit's end

subjugation (noun)

The state of being subjugated or dominated

bravura (noun)

Great technical skill or daring

interloper (noun)

A person involved in a situation in which they do not belong; a hanger-on

pallid (adj.)

Pale, sickly


False, untrue, not valid

forbearing (adj.)

Patient, restrained, careful

bequeath (verb)

To leave something for someone, such as property or an inheritance

moralism (noun)

The state of moralizing, making judgements about others' actions and behavior

lurid (adj.)

Overly bright, shocking, sensational

annulment (noun)

The state of being annulled or legally canceled, such as a marriage

conjecture (noun)

A guess, estimate, opinion based on limited information

cipher (noun)

A fictional character who is a blank slate or empty; a disguised way of writing

pernicious (adj.)

Having a harmful effect or influence

lexicon (noun)

The vocabulary of a language or the personal vocabulary of a person

repudiate (verb)

To deny or refuse to accept

raison d'être (French phrase)

The most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence

inane (adjective)

Lacking sense, silly

ambivalent (adj.)

Undecided, caught between conflicting emotions

asperity (noun)

Harshness in one's tone or speech

carriage (noun)

A person's bearing or way of carrying themselves

enmity (noun)

Hostility, the state of being opposed to something or somone

au contraire (French phrase)

On the contrary

histoire d’amour (French phrase)

Love story

politesse (noun)

Politeness, ettiquite

revenant (noun)

Someone who has returned, especially from the dead

la vie bohème (French phrase)

The bohemian life

esprit (noun)

The quality of being lively or witty

penurious (adj.)

Poor, penniless

louche (adj.)

Of questionable taste or morality

propriétaire (French noun)

Proprietor, owner, host

incommunicado (adj.)

Missing, unable to communicate

l’affaire du drap de lit (French phrase)

The case of the bed sheet

solicitude (noun)

Care or concern for someone

herrenvolk (German)

Master race


A person's profession or occupation