
Proof Glossary

backpedalling (noun)

reversing one's previous action or opinion.

institutionalized (adjective)

Kept in a mental institution, under the supervision of a health professional.

indeterminate (adjective)

not exactly known, established, or defined.

elegant (adjective)

graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

Dewey decimal system (noun)

frequently used system of library book classification and arrangement with ten main subject classes.

prime number (noun)

A whole number greater than 1 that cannot be made by multiplying other whole numbers.

paranoid (adjective)

unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful.

bughouse (adjective)

slang term for insane or mentally unstable.

festive (adjective)

cheerful or celebratory.

gibberish (noun)

unintelligible or meaningless writing/language.

proof (noun)

an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. In the argument, other previously established statements, such as theorems, can be used.

graphomaniac (noun)

Someone with an obsessive impulse to write.

dweeb (noun)

a boring, studious, or socially inept person.

Dilbert (proper noun)

A satirical comic strip about a geeky engineer.

game theory (noun)

the branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of strategies for dealing with competitive situations where the outcome of a participant's choice of action depends critically on the actions of other participants.

protege (noun)

a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.

jojoba (noun)

an oil extracted from the seeds of an American shrub, widely used in cosmetics.

amphetamines (noun)

a class of synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant and legally as a prescription drug to treat children with ADD and adults with narcolepsy.

imaginary number (noun)

a number that is expressed in terms of the square root of a negative number.

sentimentalize (verb)

treat, regard, or portray in a sentimental way.