Our Sister Killjoy

Early life

Christina Ama Ata Aidoo was born on 23 March 1942 [6] in Abeadzi Kyiakor, near Saltpond, in the Central Region of Ghana. Some sources ([7] including Megan Behrent, Brown University, and Africa Who's Who) have stated that she was born on 31 March.[8][9] She had a twin brother, Kwame Ata.[10][11]

Aidoo was raised in a Fante royal household, the daughter of Nana Yaw Fama, chief of Abeadzi Kyiakor, and Maame Abasema.[12] Her grandfather was murdered by neocolonialists,[13][14] which brought her father's attention to the importance of educating the children and families of the village on the history and events of the era. This led him to open up the first school in their village and influenced Aidoo to attend Wesley Girls' High School, where she first decided she wanted to be a writer.[15]

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