- Hamlet – son of the late king and nephew of the present king, Claudius
- Claudius – King of Denmark, Hamlet's uncle and brother to the former king
- Gertrude – Queen of Denmark and Hamlet's mother
- Polonius – chief counsellor to the king
- Ophelia – Polonius's daughter
- Horatio – friend of Hamlet
- Laertes – Polonius's son
- Voltimand and Cornelius – courtiers
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern – courtiers, friends of Hamlet
- Osric – a courtier
- Marcellus – an officer
- Barnardo – an officer
- Francisco – a soldier
- Reynaldo – Polonius's servant
- Ghost – the ghost of Hamlet's father
- Fortinbras – prince of Norway
- Gravediggers – a pair of sextons
- Player King, Player Queen, Lucianus, etc. – players
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