- Winifred "Winnie" Foster – The novel's protagonist, she is 12 years old when the novel begins and lives in Treegap. Her family is the oldest family in Treegap. She grows to love the Tuck family and has a crush on Jesse Tuck.[2]
- Angus Tuck – The father of the Tuck children, he dislikes his immortality and dreams of dying and going to heaven.[3]
- Mae Tuck – The mother of the Tuck children, married to Angus. She is happy with her lifestyle wearing old clothes and living in a messy house.[3]
- Jesse Tuck – The youngest in his family, Jesse is 104 years old but physically appears to be seventeen. Though he enjoys immortality, he is lonely, so he asks Winnie to drink the water when she is 17 so she can marry him.[4]
- Miles Tuck – Appearing to be 22 years old, Miles is the older brother of Jesse (having five years more than him, Miles, actually, should be 109 years old) and the first son of Angus and Mae. He is trained as a carpenter and blacksmith. His wife divorced him because she believed that he must have sold his soul to the devil to have maintained his youthful appearance after they had been married for almost 20 years.[3]
- The Man In The Yellow Suit - The Man In The Yellow Suit attempts to find Winnie and return her in exchange for the Fosters' wood. When he tries to retrieve Winnie, Mae hits him with the end of a gun, and he dies the next day of his injuries.
- Betsy Foster - The mother of Winnie
- Robert Foster - The father of Winnie
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