- Fanny Price, the niece of the family at Mansfield Park, with the status of a dependent poor relation.
- Lady Maria Bertram, Fanny's aunt. Married to the wealthy Sir Thomas Bertram, she is the middle one of three sisters of the Ward family, the others being Mrs Norris and Fanny's mother, Mrs Price.
- Mrs Norris, elder sister of Lady Bertram, whose husband was the local parson until his death.
- Sir Thomas Bertram, baronet and husband of Fanny's aunt, owner of the Mansfield Park estate and one in Antigua.
- Thomas Bertram, elder son of Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram, seven years older than Fanny.
- Edmund Bertram, younger son of Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram, who plans to become a clergyman, six years older than Fanny.
- Maria Bertram, elder daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram, three years older than Fanny.
- Julia Bertram, younger daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram, two years older than Fanny.
- Dr Grant, incumbent of the Mansfield Park living after Mr Norris dies.
- Mrs Grant, wife of Dr Grant, and half-sister of Henry and Mary Crawford.
- Henry Crawford, brother of Miss Crawford and half-brother of Mrs Grant.
- Mary Crawford, sister of Mr Crawford and half-sister of Mrs Grant.
- Mr. James Rushworth, Maria Bertram's fiancé, then husband.
- The Hon. John Yates, friend of Tom Bertram.
- William Price, Fanny's older brother, a midshipman and then lieutenant in the Royal Navy.
- Mr Price, Fanny's father, a retired officer in the Marines who lives in Portsmouth.
- Mrs Price, born Frances (Fanny) Ward, Fanny's mother.
- Susan Price, Fanny's younger sister.
- Lady Stornoway, a society woman, complicit in Mr Crawford and Maria's flirtation in London.
- Mrs Rushworth, Mr Rushworth's mother and Maria's mother-in-law.
- Baddeley, the butler at Mansfield Park.
- Mr Harding, a friend of Sir Thomas' in London.
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