Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle
- Hardcover – ISBN 0-670-85604-5 (1995, First Edition)
- Hardcover – ISBN 1-56895-287-2 (1996, Large Type Edition)
- Paperback – ISBN 0-14-023828-X (1996)
Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle
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The Question and Answer section for The Tortilla Curtain is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
Racism, even when veiled under economic rhetoric, is still racism. Racism against Mexicans and against immigrants in general is not hard to find - from the very beginning of the story, Jack Jardine, Jack Cherrystone, and Jim Shirley preach the...
An illegal immigrant from Tepoztlán, Mexico, Cándido has spent his whole life trying to realize the American dream. He was married once before to América's older sister, Resurreción. However, his marriage to her, and arguably his life, fell apart...
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