Gorilla, My Love (novel). New York: Random House, 1972.
- "Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird"
The Lesson (short stories). New York: Bedford/St.Martin's, 1972.
The Sea Birds Are Still Alive: Collected Stories (short stories). New York: Random House, 1977.
The Salt Eaters (novel). New York: Random House, 1980.
Those Bones Are Not My Child (novel), New York: Pantheon, 1999.
The American Adolescent Apprentice Novel. City College of New York, 1964. 146 pp.
Southern Black Utterances Today. Institute of Southern Studies, 1975.
- "What Is It I Think I'm Doing Anyhow". In: J. Sternberg (editor), The Writer on Her Work: Contemporary Women Reflect on Their Art and Their Situation. New York: W.W. Norton, 1980, pp. 153–178.
Salvation Is the Issue. In: Mari Evans (editor), Black Women Writers (1950–1980): A Critical Evaluation. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1984, pp. 41–47.
- Foreword, This Bridge Called My Back. Persephone Press, 1981.
Collected writings
- Toni Morrison (editor): Deep Sightings and Rescue Missions: Fiction, Essays and Conversations. New York: Pantheon, 1996.
As editor
- as Toni Cade (editor): The Black Woman: An Anthology. New York: New American Library, 1970.
- Toni Cade Bambara (editor): Tales and Stories for Black Folks. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971.
Produced screenplays
Zora. WGBH-TV Boston, 1971[18]
The Johnson Girls. National Educational Television, 1972.
Transactions. School of Social Work, Atlanta University 1979.
The Long Night. American Broadcasting Co., 1981.
Epitaph for Willie. K. Heran Productions, Inc., 1982.
Tar Baby. Screenplay based on Toni Morrison's novel Tar Baby. Sanger/Brooks Film Productions, 1984.
Raymond's Run. Public Broadcasting System, 1985.
The Bombing of Osage Avenue. WHYY-TV Philadelphia, 1986.
Cecil B. Moore: Master Tactician of Direct Action. WHY-TV Philadelphia, 1987.
W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography in Four Voices (1995)
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