The story of Christopher Columbus's origins and young life preceding his sea-faring voyages is still largely unknown.[3] Columbus survived the sinking of a Portuguese ship, worked for a merchant, and began mapping with his brother Bartholomew before his marriage to Dona Filipa Moniz Perestrelo in 1478.[3][6][7] Columbus was interested in studying geography, philosophy, theology, and history.[3] Columbus lived the life of a wandering traveler through his ocean-oriented profession until 1480.[3] Through inaccurate calculations and estimates, Columbus believed that he could successfully travel west to east in order to open up a new trade route to the East Indies.[7] Initially, Columbus presented his potential trade passage to John II of Portugal,[7] who rejected his request for financial accommodations to support his eastward expedition.[3][7] Afterwards, Columbus experienced a number of dismissals from presenting his proposal to Venice, Genoa, France, and King Henry VII of England, before reaching Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II of Spain in January 1492.[6][7] Columbus's first presentation of his expedition to the Spanish royalty resulted in denial.[6] Yet after a reexamination pushed by Columbus's persistent attitude and unique character, Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to finance his first voyage.[6][7] Columbus and 90 men commenced their journey from Palos on 3 August 1492 in three ships, the Santa María, the Niña, and the Pinta.[6]
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